
Carli lloyd celebrating

Congratulations to the U.S. Women's soccer team on winning the FIFA Women's World Cup!  Carli Lloyd chalks up much of her success to visualization. 

Check out Frank's interview with Yahoo! Health about how you too can use visualization to boost your performance in both work and life. 

Read the article here

Seeing really is believing!


My daughter just turned seven.  She loves life. Whether it's splashing in a fountain, painting her latest masterpiece, or reading for hours alone in her room, she throws herself 100% into what she is doing.
She overflows with joy.
Most of us were like this as kids. Full of energy. Curious. Enthusiastic. Happy.
But somewhere along the way we lose our excitement for life. Whether by neglect or because of outside pressure, we start playing it safe.  We give up on our dreams.



“Confidence is silent.  Insecurities are loud.”  Unknown

A guest post by Jennifer Mathews.

Finding balance in anything is difficult.  We have heard time and again “Everything in moderation.”  It’s easy to nod your head and respond with an enthusiastic “of course” when referring to rich food or alcohol or exercise or TV time or even the balance of “work” and “play.” 

But what about how we’re each hard-wired?


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Office politics is no fun.

Getting drawn into workplace drama saps our energy and enthusiasm and can permanently damage our careers. Yet, politics is a reality of life. We may not like it, but it's true.

So the question is, how do we deal with it?

I (along with other thought leaders) was recently interviewed by Robin Madell of U.S. News & World Report about how to avoid becoming a casuality of workplace politics (among other things). There's some really terrific tips in the article that will help you avoid making the most common missteps on the job.

Read the article here: 3 Biggest Workplace Mistakes



I was recently interviewed by CNN about how leaders can use visualization to improve their performance.

It's something I use with clients all the time.

The CNN piece should be published soon. In the meantime, I've posted below my original Huffington Post article that inspired the interview.

This one's for #throwbackthursday.




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These are happy days for professional football fans - the NFL pre-season has started and the regular season is just around the corner.

After watching just a couple of games, something struck me: Pro football players seem bigger than ever; they dwarf the reporters who interview them and appear more massive than former football greats.

This has created a game that is more competitive, faster-paced, and, according to many observers, much more brutal.

Sounds a lot like the current marketplace, doesn't it; fiercely competitive, fast changing, and unforgiving of mistakes.

To compete in this environment, companies need leaders who think and act like professional athletes -- people who work hard at developing the skills and stamina needed to perform at consistently high levels.

What does it take to achieve this level of performance? Three things.




Failure to execute strategy is one of the main reasons businesses fail. We know what we need to do but often fail to put it into action. Strategy is important but delivering results matters more. After all, customers purchase our products, not our planning. We have to hit the mark on execution or our company suffers.


Dawn climbingIs stress getting the best of you?

I asked my good friend and fellow rock climber Dawn Baker MD to share some ideas about how to perform well when the pressure is on.

Dawn is a board certified anesthesiologist, so she knows first-hand what it takes to function at the highest level in stressful situations.

In this post, Dawn uses her love of climbing to illustrate some powerful principles of stress management and self-care.  Whether you are a seasoned leader or just starting out, you will benefit immensely from Dr. Baker's insights. I know I have. 



The verdict is in. Americans are bored with their jobs.

The numbers are staggering.

Seventy percent of employees report being not engaged or actively disengaged from their work and it's costing U.S. companies $550 billion each year in lost productivity.

That's a lot of people. That's a lot of money.

External incentives, such as flextime or financial bonuses aren't reversing the trend. Clearly, we need a new approach to employee engagement. One that addresses the cause rather than the symptoms of disengagement.


Every month I meet a new client who is disappointed and/or disillusioned with their life. They have built an empire of wealth, risen to the top of their field, accomplished the impossible, etc. and yet they are miserable. Their life has become about doing and achieving. In the midst of their progression they have lost sight of the ultimate end goal.